Announcement to all our clients and designers of Designed In Singapore.
Recently, there were a number of replications of our company images created by others. Please do take note of these replicates as we foresee that such parties might tag on/along and thus, create unnecessary misunderstandings. Also, there are companies who claim to be registered as a Private Limited company (Pte. Ltd.) when they are not. This has been a rising problem nowadays. Members of DIS, please do take note of such incidents as Designed In Singapore will hold no claims for such mishaps caused by any of these third parties.
Designed In Singapore Pte. Ltd. is a registered company incorporated under the companies Act (Cap.50) of Singapore, on and from 30/03/2007 under the registered ROB: 200703496K and previously registered on July 2006 ROB: B070030127. As of date, the company has been established a year ago. Designed In Singapore was set up with the mind of initiating a design hub for to gather designers - to showcase, commercialize, interact and to create more oportunities in the the field of Arts and Design. Thus, a proposal was written. Support through funding were granted from organisations like Spring Singapore, Temasek Polytechnic and various manufacturers and retailers.
DIS Consultancy (also pronounced as "This Consultancy") is a registered company that operates as a multi-disciplinary design firm that will be focusing on providing design solutions for general public and companies. Such service provider are services such as product design, R&D, apparel till manufacturing stage, interior and exhibitions, corporate ID, graphic, and all other art & design services all under one roof. Due to the fact that there are accusations of DIS replicating ideas from others, we dare say such ideas and concepts are always being explored by designers and artistes of having a one stop design service centre but least have been done. Here we decided to take such interests and make it into reality that a design hub that will provide even more service then simply graphic and interior as stated above.
Designed In Singapore extends our appreciation and cheers to all those who support and believe in us.